2019 Goals: Are You on Track?

2019 Goals: Are You on Track?

Oct 7, '19

Who made New Years Resolutions way back in January? Or did you create goals instead? Maybe a vision board?

As we regroup in 2019, make a plan for the last 90 days of the year, and look forward to 2020, what is the difference between a resolution and a goal? A resolution is a determination to do or not do something. A goal is a desired result. Since we all know that finding our “why” is the key to accomplishing anything, goals tend to be more successful. They should be things that we really want!

But what do we do when October comes and we haven’t reached those goals? Or we’re not even close. You may not get there, but if you try now, you’ll be closer than you are today:

  • Make sure your goal is real! It sounds simple, but it requires a deeper dive. If your goal was more travel, what stopped you? Did you need to plan better or make more money to be able to afford it? If your goal was a 20-pound weight loss, did you join a gym or start the C25K (Couch to 5K) program you talked about? Set goals that have actions associated and work backward!                       
    • P.S. If you want to follow the C25K app, listen to your favorite tunes, and keep your phone safe, Armpocket is a great way to invest in your goals! 

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  • Write your goals down! Yes, get out the pen and paper. And don’t just write them down once, write them down daily. When we see them on paper, they become more than a dream in our heads.
  • Share them! I know it’s scary, but you never know who might have the same goal or be able to help. And it provides extra accountability.
  • Believe in yourself! If your goal is important to you, you can get there. Don’t give up!

We’re happy to be your sounding board and cheer you on! Share your goals with us on social media and know that we're wishing you the best of luck!